Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Poetry: We Left Ourselves to Die

We flew as children. Soaring through the beginning.

Young. New.

We were alive once.

But we slowly died.

We bled ourselves to bones,

Leaving nothing but vacant, heartless husks.

Further still, leaving them to turn to ash.

And as all that we were faded,
and our innocence melted as wax...

As our anger flourished as a black, thorny garden,
and we lost ourselves in the labyrinthine woods of our minds...

As everything in this life grew ever more distant,

And we abandoned our souls,
leaving them to die...

We lost ourselves.

And so the end walks closer.

Slow as clouds, bringing us storms.

And trust in the incontestable truth that,
a storm is coming.

And that as it thunders closer still,
banging and crackling with such ferocity

The veil shall be lifted,
the young shall be taken,

And this life,
this suffering,
shall draw to a permanent end.

- Evelyn Raczynski

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