Friday, October 11, 2019

Picture Prompt: The Return of a Traitor (Art: Desert Dragon: Take by VRSK1)

Sasha gazed upon the television, a rare sight; only on occasion did she ever partake in even glancing towards the news. 

Not to be rude, but she cared very little for the human political climate and held no interest in occupying mental space with the madness of the modern world. There were two circumstances that would pull her eye; global war and exposure. It seemed the two were dawning hand in hand. She witnessed the scene; a dragon as large as her own natural state, black as a starless, hopeless night. 

A dragon barreling through trucks, shot at with large mounted guns. She knew they'd do nothing. She recognized this beast. The former leader of her royal guard; she who manipulated her beloved husband into believing that Sasha was to betray the kingdom. She who claimed the throne and exiled Sasha to Earth. 

The Great Exposure had already spiraled the world into chaos. And here she was, without her own royal guard, without the citizens of Sasha's once-great kingdom by her side. Why was she here? Was she too exiled by another who had betrayed her? It wasn't out of the field of imagination. Now, Sasha needed answers. "I am going out," she told Nancy. "I've business to attend to." 

- Evelyn Raczynski

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