Friday, October 11, 2019

Drabble: Jenny Everywhere - Dumpster Diving

Megan Garcia looked up to see Jenny's head--goggles fastened and cigarette dangling out of the side of her mouth--darting up out of the large dumpster. She couldn't see Jenny's eyes but she knew the wild glint in her stare shining from behind her eye-wear. "What exactly do you get out of this, Jen?"

"I get stuff, duh," she said. Again, Megan just knew how Jenny's eyes rolled behind those dark goggles of hers. 

Jenny saw beauty and brilliance alike in all the things left behind by the world. Every day was a new adventure, every day was some new story yet untold. She wasn't one to sit still for very long, if at all. Between her insatiable curiosity and her unstoppable drive for exploration, she'd earned a name around town, a name of simultaneous praise and derision; Jenny Everywhere. 

In true Jenny fashion, she loved the name and embraced it wholly.

"And what, exactly, will you be doing with this stuff?"

"I'll keep it! The stuff I snatch up... it's all worth something!"

"What, you hope to sell this stuff?"

Jenny smirked like a hoarding goblin, deeply in love with their belongings. "No, I'm not talking about dollar value, Megan! I'm talking about another kind of worth. It's not just junk! It's like me... forgotten."

"You're not forgotten."

Her smirk faltered in the space of a split-second, reinforced in even less time. She giggled quietly. "Well... either way, it's all worth so much more than people seem to believe." She held up a twist pen, twisting the nib up. "See that? I love these kinds of pens. Way more refined than those little click-clicks!" 

Jenny shoved the pen away in her satchel, giggling once more. 

Megan knew quite well her friend was slightly mad. In fact "slightly" may very well have been an understatement, not that she could know the difference. Jenny kept a cool enough head, able to maintain conversation, as well as her inhibitions. Megan could over look some of her stronger... quirks. 

"Ooh! Someone dropped a 20 in here!" She bent down into the trash receptacle and stood back up, holding the 20 dollar bill in the air triumphantly. She pulled up her goggled, her big brown enthusiastic eyes gazing up at it as a dog would a treat. "Let's get ice cream!"

Jenny saw beauty and brilliance in all things. And Megan saw all beauty and brilliance in Jenny. 

- Evelyn Raczynski


The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition: This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, that others might use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.

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