Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Interview with a Carlos Gallardo

So, it took me a metric shit-ton of time to put this up, I did this interview thing MONTHS ago, my God.

This is an e-mail interview I did with Mister Carlos Gallardo, the star and producer of Robert Rodriguez's cult indie hit, El Mariachi, which is a badass film unto itself.

Sorry it took me so long, Mister Gallardo!

Q: What got you into acting?

A: About six years old, I said I wanted to be in that box. (tv) Then I always related to leads on TV.

Q: Did you know Robert Rodriguez before the making of El Mariachi or did he find you? And with that, what made you take the role of The Mariachi?

A: Yes, me and Robert met at a private catholic school in San Antonio, we started making movies together all high school and all college.

Q: How did it feel, being a part of Rodriguez's "Mexico" trilogy?

A: We are both actually a part of something we made together.

Q: What role have you enjoyed the most in your career?

A: As a producer, El Mariachi. As an actor, all of them. And still looking for that future role that will define me altogether.

Q: The first time you starred in a film, how did it feel to have your name in the credits?

A: Well, it was a dream come true! But wait, the first time I saw myself on film instead of video, it was like, "There I am, on celluloid," looked amazing, the transition.

Q: You were involved in a film called "Bandido" which you co-wrote and starred in. How was that experience?

A: Very hard because it was very ambitious and we had less money than Desperado and it had water scenes and miniatures. It's the hardest movie I've ever done, producing wise.

Q: Are there any projects you are interested in working on?

A: I am working with a new director from England, Chee Cheong Chung

Q: Are you still friends with Robert Rodriguez today?

A: Yes, we own our trilogy together and we plan on doing something special in the future. Last year, we release "Curandero", he wrote it and produced it for me.

Q: What are your favorite films?

A: A Fistful of Dollars, The Road Warrior and Escape from New York.

Q: What has been the most interesting and/or fulfilling experience in your career?

A: Knowledge.

Q: Coming back to Robert Rodriguez and El Mariachi one last time, what was the most interesting thing about working with him?

A: His directing and composition of film in that moment of time.

Q: What is the funniest thing that has happened to you in your time on a set?

A: Working with some condoms and finding out some were broken. (Note: The film "El Mariachi" did not have the budget for proper fake blood packets to be blown up by squibs so the director, Robert Rodriguez, used condoms and filled them with fake blood made of red food coloring and corn syrup.)

Q: Finally, if you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?

A: "The One," Neo. Or... Lucy. (From the Luc Besson film, "Lucy.") My last 3 favorite movies, I forgot. "The Matrix", "The Raid" and "Lucy".

I feel very grateful for the little E-mail interview thing that Carlos very nicely agreed to do, I'm so glad he did this for me and helped me out in this chapter of my little crusade. Well, ladies and gentleman, that's that for this one and, Good Luck with whatever the hell you'll be doing. (Unless you intend on going out and punching a little girl in the face while they sleep.)